+ 31 20 30 32 840
Maken afspraak: Ma - Vr 09:00-17:30

Takens Admiraal advocaten

Experts in strafrecht en cassatie

Welcome to Takens Admiraal Advocaten

Takens Admiraal Advocaten is a renowned law firm in Amsterdam. We assist our clients in all courts and courts of appeal in the Netherlands. Clients appreciate us for our enthusiasm, tenacity and creativity.  

Experienced criminal law specialists

The lawyers at our firm are all criminal law specialists, with many years of experience and excellent knowledge of criminal law. Takens Admiraal Advocaten focuses on providing legal assistance in criminal matters. We handle large and small criminal cases throughout the Netherlands in all criminal law areas: theft, drug cases, assault cases, murder and manslaughter, human trafficking and organized crime, as well as special areas such as cassation, extradition and surrender, hospital orders with treatment provided by the government (TBS) and juvenile criminal cases. We have chosen to only not represent crown witnesses and informers.

Our lawyers have registered 'criminal law' in the register of jurisdictions of the Dutch Bar Association. This registration obliges our lawyers to achieve ten training points per calendar year in the field of criminal law in accordance with the standards of the Dutch Bar Association.

Read more about our lawyers here>

Assistance for everyone

Takens Admiraal Advocaten assists clients both pro bono and on a paying basis. Read more about our rates and government financed legal aid here> Meer informatie over onze tarieven en door de overheid gefinancierde rechtshulp, leest u hier>

Onze expertise



Criminal Law


International Criminal Law


Supreme Court

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  Ma – Vr 09:00-17:30