+ 31 20 30 32 840
Maken afspraak: Ma - Vr 09:00-17:30



Assault is the inflicting of pain or injury on another person. Assault is punishable under Article 300 of the Dutch Criminal Code. Because assault is a common offense, the courts and courts of appeal have established sentencing orientation points to be able to impose equal penalties in equal cases. For example, nowadays the starting point for a 'dry blow' that only results in pain (and not injury) is a fine of € 500.

In addition to common assault, the Dutch Criminal Code also has other variants of assault. Premeditated assault (article 301 of the Dutch Criminal Code), aggravated assault (article 302 of the Dutch Criminal Code), premeditated aggravated assault (article 303 of the Dutch Criminal Code) and assault of a father, mother, partner, spouse, own child or civil servant in office (article 304 of the Dutch Criminal Code). With these heavier variants of assault, heavier penalties are usually also imposed (in case of a conviction). In the case of aggravated assault, the starting point is, according to the sentencing orientation points, an unconditional prison sentence of three months. If a weapon is used when inflicting serious physical injury, the starting point is an unconditional one-year prison sentence. 

If you are suspected of assault, we advise you to contact us. We can advise you on your case and, for example, accompany you to a possible hearing by the police. We can of course provide you with expert assistance throughout the entire process.